innoEM Practical Training Programs​

          After completing their third year with innoEM, students are to participate in experiential learning-based activities. All students must register for 234-343 Practical Training in the summer semester, with a minimum of 320 hours at work.  In addition to the “Practical Training” course, students can also choose to extend their industrial engagement through the first semester of the 4th year with the same or different host by registering for 234-442 Co-operative Education. It is advised that if students intend to go for Co-operative Education, both phases of training should take place at the same workplace. In doing so, students will be offered rigorous training in the form of project-based learning over a longer length of time (4-6 months) with a seamless transition. The curriculum enables students to learn from experiences of integrating classroom knowledge with career-related work, preparing them for the needs of today’s workforce. The training hosts can be either public or private organizations from on-campus, off-campus, or abroad. Students are encouraged to look for training programs that align well with their learning goals and future careers. Throughout the training course, they will practice applying classroom knowledge to “real world” experiences under the supervision of professionals at the training host alongside their academic advisor. Tackling the day-to-day challenges at work, these trainees will soon be shaped up to become entrepreneurial engineers of the disruptive world.

          Students who aspire to be entrepreneurs can follow their dream to be incubated under the guidance of the Southern Thailand Science Park by enrolling 234-441 Project III: Launching to Market.  

Differences between Internship, Cooperative Education, and Launching to Market




Length: a minimum of 320 working hours during a summer break.

Length: 4- 6 months starting from the summer break to the end of the first semester of the 4th year.

Length: 4 months throughout the first semester of the 4th year.


  1. Daily work journal.
  2. A training report.


  1. A work-related project approved by the training host and academic advisors.
  2. A cooperative study report.


  1. An innovation project in its third phase supervised by an academic advisor.
  2. Assignments to fulfill the course requirements.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  1. Acquired at least 90 credits from the innoEM study plan.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  1. Acquired at least 90 credits from the innoEM study plan.
  2. Attended 30 hours of a pre-cooperative program
  3. Passed 234-342 Project II: Starting up Your Startup.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  1. Passed 234-342 Project II: Starting up Your Startup.

Monitoring and Assessment Method:
Students will be assessed on how well they exercise the innoEM core skills at the workplace. The performance will be graded based on the assignments and the supervisor interview.

Monitoring and Assessment Method:
Besides the innoEM core skills, the performance will be measured from project achievement. Grading will be the responsibility of both the academic advisor and work supervisor.

Monitoring and Assessment Method:
Student performance will be measured from how well they achieve the course learning outcomes. Their learning processes will be monitored by the academic advisor.

Compensation: non-voluntary

Compensation: non-voluntary

Compensation: None

No. of Credits and Grading: Non-credit (Good: G, Pass: P, Fail: F)

No. of Credits and Grading: 8 Credits (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E)

No. of Credits and Grading: 8 Credits (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E)