innoEM Curriculum: Learning by Doing


     The undergraduate curriculum in Innovation Engineering and Management develops skills in creative thinking, fundamentals of engineering design and manufacturing, and business management. The skills are the essences in the 21st century, enhancing student capability to plan and implement their projects in the context of dynamic economic and rapid technological transformation. With a scientific and engineering background, students can choose to pursue various career paths, e.g., project engineer, product developer, business developer, innovation project manager.

Program Learning Outcomes.

Students will be able to

  • PLO1 : Ability to ideate product concepts that are appropriate and beneficial to a multicultural society based on an innovation process (Apply)
  • PLO2 : Ability to apply engineering and technological processes in creating or developing innovation prototypes (Apply)
    • PLO 2.1 : Ability to identify engineering and technological processes used in creating innovations
    • PLO 2.2 : Ability to create or develop innovation prototypes
  • PLO3 : Ability to analyze problems found in innovation businesses and propose solutions to the problems using entrepreneurial knowledge and skills (Analyze)
    • PLO 3.1 : Ability to identify, analyze and propose solutions to problems found in innovation businesses
    • PLO 3.2 : Ability to develop viable and profitable business plans using entrepreneurial knowledge and skills
  • PLO4 : Ability to demonstrate the qualities of innovation business or project initiators who can make use of operations management tools to promote sustainability of the business or project (Apply and Analyze)
  • PLO5 : Ability to work in teams effectively, especially as a team leader, motivating a collaborative environment and facilitating workflow to achieve work objectives
  • PLO6 : Ability to present and communicate in any method effectively and comprehensibly at an international level
  • PLO 7 : Ability to demonstrate the qualities of a manager adhering to engineering and business ethics and responsibility for society and others as stated in His Royal Highness’ wish: “Our Soul is for the Benefit of Mankind.”
    • PLO 7.1 : Ability to demonstrate the qualities of managers adhering to engineering and business ethics
    • PLO 7.2 : Ability to demonstrate responsibility for society and others as stated in His Royal Highness’ guidance: “Our Soul is for the Benefit of Mankind.”

Curriculum Structure

       A minimum of 139 credits must be achieved from the following courses. 

Core Courses (91 credits)

     The program is well laid on core courses in basic sciences (mathematics, physics, statistics, and chemistry) before strengthened with the contemporary engineering disciplines (electrical engineering, computer programming, engineering design, mechanics and manufacturing). Creativity and management skills are also built up in parallel with the hard science and engineering courses. A series of successive capstone projects is extended across three semesters, allowing students to be exposed to practical environment. After the 7th semester, a prospective corporate innovator can choose to carry on his project in a co-operative program in the industry, while an aspiring entrepreneur continues his innovation project with Southern Thailand Science Park.

Basic Sciences and engineering (43 credits) Credit
234-111 Elementary Statistics 2((2)-0-4)
234-112 Mathematics for Innovators 3((3)-0-6)
234-113 Physics for Innovators 3((3)-0-6)
234-114 Chemistry for Innovators 2((2)-0-4)
234-115 Electrical Engineering for Innovators 3((2)-2-5)
234-116 Basic Computer for Innovation Creation 3((2)-2-5)
234-211 Integrative Design of Innovation Module 9((8)-3-16)
234-212 Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Module 9((8)-3-16)
234-311 Operations Management Module 6((5)-2-11)
234-312 Innovation Project Management 3((3)-0-6)
Innovation and Business Management (28 credits) Credit
234-101 Innovation Management Module 6((5)-2-11)
234-301 Intellectual Property and Technology Licensing 3((3)-0-6)
234-321 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation 3((3)-0-6)
472-111 Business Economics 3((3)-0-6)
472-112 Fundamentals of Business Management 3((3)-0-6)
472-113 Principles of Marketing for Entrepreneurs 3((3)-0-6)
472-114 Accounting for Entrepreneurs 3((3)-0-6)
472-212 Finance for Entrepreneurs 3((3)-0-6)
472-215 Business Law 1((1)-0-2)
Seminar and Excursion (7 credits) Credit
234-131 Seminar Series I: Innovator Mindset 1(0-2-1)
234-132 Seminar Series II: Creativity in Action 1(0-2-1)
234-231 Seminar Series III: Say It! out Loud 1(0-2-1)
234-232 Seminar Series IV: Let's Go Commercial 1(0-2-1)
234-233 Entrepreneurial Excursion 1(0-2-1)
234-331 Seminar Series V: Becoming a Professional 1(0-2-1)
234-332 Seminar Series VI: Ready to See the World 1(0-2-1)
Project and Practical Training (13 credits) Credit
234-341 Project I: Shaping Your Idea 2(0-6-0)
234-342 Project II: Starting up Your Startup 3(0-9-0)
234-343 Practical Training Not less than 320 hours
234-441 Project III: Launching to Market* 8(0-40-0)
234-442 Co-operative Education* 8(0-40-0)

Electives (12 credits)

     The program provides students opportunities to pursue their interests beyond the core courses through 3 elective modules. Students must register at least 12 credits. of the electives. 

1.    Digital Technologies: focuses on basic understanding and applications of emerging digital technologies in innovation creation.

234-551 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3((3)-0-6)
234-552 Cloud Computing and Data Analytics 3((3)-0-6)
234-553 Sensors and Mobile Device 3((3)-0-6)
234-554 Automatic Control 3((3)-0-6)
234-555 Robot and Drone Technology 3((3)-0-6)
234-556 Special Topic in Digital Technology I 3((3)-0-6)
234-557 Special Topic in Digital Technology II 3((3)-0-6)

2.   Contemporary Business Management: focuses on applications of business tools to support new venture creation

245-503 Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Applications for Smart Business and Industries 3((2)-2-5)
245-633 Enterprise Data Management and Analytics 3((2)-2-5)
472-324 Brand Management 3((2)-2-5)
472-337 Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring 3((2)-2-5)
234-561 Special Topic in Contemporary Business Management I 3((3)-0-6)
234-562 Special Topic in Contemporary Business Management II 3((3)-0-6)

3.    Innovative Products: focuses on sources and development of innovative products in various areas

234-571 Innovations for Agriculture and Tourism 3((3)-0-6)
234-572 Innovations for Good Health and well-being 3((3)-0-6)
234-573 Basic Chemical Engineering Processes 3(2-3-4)
234-574 Software Application Development 3((2)-2-5)
234-575 Sustainable Energy and Environment Management 3((3)-0-6)
234-576 Innovative Rubber Products 3((3)-0-6)
234-577 Special Topic in Innovative Products I 3((3)-0-6)
234-578 Special Topic in Innovative Products II 3((3)-0-6)

General Education (30 credits)

001-102 The King’s Philosophy and Sustainable Development 2((2)-0-4)
001-103 Idea to Entrepreneurship 1((1)-0-2)
142-118 Academic English: Listening and Speaking 2((2)-0-4)
142-119 Academic English: Reading and Writing 2((2)-0-4)
142-121 The Future Earth 2((2)-0-4)
142-225 The 5th Need 2((2)-0-4)
142-239 Art of Living 3((3)-0-6)
234-001 Benefit of Mankind 1((1)-0-2)
388-100 Health for All 1((1)-0-2)
472-102 Creative Thinking 2((2)-0-4)
472-201 Pocket Money 2((2)-0-4)
895-001 Good Citizens 2((2)-0-4)
xxx-xxx Aesthetics  1((x)-y-z)
xxx-xxx Sports 1((x)-y-z)
xxx-xxx General Education Electives 6((x)-y-z)

Free Electives (6 credits)